How do I mention someone in a post?

This article will walk you through how to mention a user in a conversation message.

  1. In the left hand side menu, click Conversations.
  2. Find the conversation and click the link under the Title column. If you need help finding the desired conversation, you can search or filter to narrow the results.
  3. The conversation will appear in chat mode. At the bottom of the screen is a Type your message box. Enter your message in the textbox. To mention a user that is associated with the conversation, type the @ symbol to show the selection menu. Select the user you want to mention, and their email will be appended to the message.
  4. Click Send.
  5. Upon success, your message is then displayed in the thread.
  1. In the navigation bar, select the Chat button.
  2. Find the conversation and select the item. If you need help finding the desired conversation, you can filter to narrow the results.
  3. The conversation will appear in chat mode. At the bottom of the screen is a Type your message box. Click the @ icon to open the selection menu.
  4. At the popup menu, select the user you want to mention, and their email will be appended to the message.
  5. Click Send.
  6. Upon success, your message is then displayed in the thread.
  1. In the navigation bar, select the Chat button.
  2. Find the conversation and select the item. If you need help finding the desired conversation, you can filter to narrow the results.
  3. The conversation will appear in chat mode. At the bottom of the screen is a Type your message box. Click the @ icon to open the Mention panel.
  4. At the popup menu, select the user(s) you want to mention and select Mention. Their email will be appended to the message.
  5. Click Send.
  6. Upon success, your message is then displayed in the thread.

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