Pick the plan that works best for you. Change at any time.
20 users
20 GB of storage
30 day free trial
100 users
100 GB of storage
30 day free trial
300 users
300 GB of storage
30 day free trial
Start your free trial today. Cancel at any time.
Yes, you can cancel anytime. Your account will be prorated for the current month based on when you cancel. If you cancel during your free trial, you will not be charged at all.
We accept any major credit card.
Yes, you can upgrade or downgrade your plan at any time to meet your needs. Your account will be prorated for the current month based on when you upgrade/downgrade.
We offer the ability for you to store your content such as videos, audio, etc., directly on our servers up to the storage allowed in your plan. You can always host your content on providers such as YouTube, Vimeo, etc and that will not count towards your storage limit.