

Schedule content, such as videos, audio, and files, to share with your teams. Content can be anything you want to share - training, curriculum, documents...the possiblities are endless. Create your own or choose from a ready-to-go, growing library with content from different providers.

Scheduling Content

Flexible scheduling capabilities

With different scheduling capabilities, you can schedule content to match your needs.

Choose Participants

Share content with any teams that you lead and/or individual users in your teams.

Create Multiple Schedules

Create multiple schedules to target different teams and/or users at different times.

Customize the Components

Components can be scheduled individually within the schedule's time frame to control when each module is made available, and even removed all together for that schedule.

Set a Required Action

Set a required action for the schedule, where a user must complete the scheduled content and mark as complete or pass an assessment to test their knowledge.


Team leads can view the progress of the required action. You can also optionally allow participants of a schedule to view the progress of the required action of all other participants.

Enable Conversations

Optionally allow users associated with the schedule to have a conversation about the content.

Step 1

Create Content Library

Create a library of content modules. Modules are individual components of content that can be shared. Mix and match and put modules together as components like building blocks to create flexible content.

  • Video and Audio
  • Graphics and Text Banners
  • Web Links and Embed Codes
  • YouTube and Vimeo Links
  • Files (PDF, Word, etc)
List of modules
Step 2

Share with your teams

Modules are then scheduled to share with one or more teams and/or individual users. The content is available to the team members during the window of the scheduled dates.

  • Set a range of dates for the content to be available
  • Make the content always available
  • Schedule content for a future date
  • Optionally require an assessment or to verify completion
Schedule View
Step 3

View Content

Each user will see the content that has been scheduled for them or for any of their teams. Users can view the content at their convenience on a web browser or mobile device.

  • Only available during the schedule window
  • Notified when new content is available
  • Take assessments or mark as complete