How do I send a direct message to a user?

This article will walk you through how to send a direct message to a user. This allows you to initiate a conversation with a user from the users view without having to create a conversation and specifically invite the user to participate. Sending a direct message to a user will automatically create a converesation with the user and it will appear in their conversation list.

  1. Under the Organization heading in the left hand side menu, click Users.
  2. Option 1: Send Message to User from ListFind the user you want to send the direct message to and click the message button.
  3. Option 2: From the Edit User PageFind the user you want to send the direct message to and click the edit icon.
  4. To the UserTo send a direct message to the user, click the message button.
  5. To a Team MemberTo send a message to one of the user's team members, click the options button of the team.
  6. At the dropdown menu, click View Team Members.
  7. At the team member flyout, click the message button for the user you would like to send a direct message to.
  8. To a TeamTo send a message to one of the user's teams, click the options button of the team.
  9. At the dropdown menu, click Send Team Message.
  10. Send the MessageAt the Send Message flyout, enter your message and click the Send button.
  11. The message will be available in the team member's Conversations. The title of the conversation takes the format of Chat: {{First Name of Sender}} - {{First Name of User}}. If this is the first message between the two individuals, a new conversation is created. Otherwise, the message is appended to the existing conversation between them.
  1. In the application bar, select the hamburger menu.
  2. At the flyout screen, select Users.
  3. At the users page, select the user to send the direct message to.
  4. To the UserTo send a direct message to the user, select the message button.
  5. To a Team MemberTo send a message to one of the user's team members, select the team.
  6. At the popup menu, select View Team Members.
  7. At the team member flyout, select the message button for the user you would like to send a direct message to.
  8. To a TeamTo send a message to one of the user's teams, select the team.
  9. At the popup menu, click Send Team Message.
  10. Send the MessageAt the Send Message flyout, enter your message and click the Send button.
  11. The message will be available in the team member's Conversations. The title of the conversation takes the format of Chat: {{First Name of Sender}} - {{First Name of User}}. If this is the first message between the two individuals, a new conversation is created. Otherwise, the message is appended to the existing conversation between them.
  1. In the navigation bar, select the Manage button.
  2. At the manage screen, select Users.
  3. At the users page, select the user to send the direct message to.
  4. To the UserTo send a direct message to the user, select the message button.
  5. To a Team MemberTo send a message to one of the user's team members, select the team.
  6. At the popup menu, select View Team Members.
  7. At the team member flyout, select the message button for the user you would like to send a direct message to.
  8. To a TeamTo send a message to one of the user's teams, select the team.
  9. At the popup menu, click Send Team Message.
  10. Send the MessageAt the Send Message flyout, enter your message and click the Send button.
  11. The message will be available in the team member's Conversations. The title of the conversation takes the format of Chat: {{First Name of Sender}} - {{First Name of User}}. If this is the first message between the two individuals, a new conversation is created. Otherwise, the message is appended to the existing conversation between them.

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