How do I manage announcements?

This article will walk you through how to create, edit, and delete announcements for your teams. Announcements are a one way communication method that allows you to quickly disseminate information to your teams. Announcements will be sent as an email and appear on the user's dashboard.

  1. In the left hand side menu, click Announcements.
  2. Click the Manage button.
  3. A list of any existing announcments are listed in the table. Availability of the announcement - past, currently available, and future - are color coded. From the list, you can see the dates associated with the announcement and the teams and / or users the announcement is targeted for.
  4. Creating a New AnnouncementClick the New button.
  5. At the New Announcement flyout, enter a title for the announcement. Select the dates for the announcement using the Available From and Available Until text boxes. You can set the announcement so it is currently available or set it to be available in the future. Leave the Available Until date empty to set the announcement to always be available.
  6. Click Create. Upon success, you will be redirected to the edit announcement page where you can assign participants and add details to the announcement (see next step).
  7. Editing an AnnouncementYou can edit an announcement by clicking the title in the table or when you are taken to the edit page after creating a new announcement.
  8. From the first card, you can adjust the title, provide further details on the announcement, or adjust the dates. Click the Upload button to save the changes.
  9. The Participants card allows you to manage what teams and/or individuals the announcement is for.
  10. Adding ParticipantsClick the Add link.
  11. Select and/or search for the teams and/or individual users you would like to send the announcement to. You can add more than one teams/users at a time.
  12. If any teams are selected, you can optionally add all teams that are below that team in the hierarchy as well by selecting the Add all child teams of selected teams checkbox. For example, if you selected Family Ministry and it had three teams under it and each of those teams had child teams under them, all teams will be included as participants.
  13. When you are done searching for the participants, click the Add button.
  14. Upon success, the teams/users will appear in the list and will be notified the announcement is currently available.
  15. Removing ParticipantsClick the delete button of the participant you would like to remove.
  16. At the Confirm Remove dialog, click Yes.
  17. Upon success, the participant is removed from the announcement.

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