Users Overview

Access to Huddle Monkey is controlled through user accounts. The organization owner, admins, and team leaders have the ability to add new users to your organization. Users are created with an email address and name to identify them within the platform and receive an email inviting them to join Huddle Monkey at your request. Upon accepting the invitation, they are now part of your organization.

Users can be added one at a time manually or bulk imported using a comma delimited file containing the emails and names to create. The number of users your organization is allowed to create is determined by your plan. You can increase your plan at any time to accommodate additional users.

Huddle Monkey provides the option to create temporary users by setting a date on the user account when it will be automatically deleted. This may be useful if you have a one time event where you need to train or communicate with volunteers but will no longer need the users to have access to Huddle Monkey once the event is done.

Users can then be added to one or more teams to allow you to group users together. You can then invite teams to join a conversation or target content/training for their viewing.