How do I add a module from the pre-built library?

This article will walk you through how to add a module from the content library.

  1. Under the Content heading in the left hand side menu, click Library.
  2. By default, the content library shows all of the available providers.
  3. To view the content offered by a provider, click the provider card. A list of all content is displayed along with additional information about the content provider and ways to connect.
  4. Click on a content module to view the details. In the details panel, you can preview the content and any attachments that are made available with the content as well.
  5. To add the content to your library, click the Add Module button. This module will now be available in your own content library and ready to share with your teams.
  6. Content cards with a green check mark indicate that this module has already been added to your library.

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